Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Class Four

Medium Close Up
Close Up

Extreme Close Up

Key Light

Fill Light 

Back Light 


I was really happy to be back in class on Monday because I really enjoy it. I love watching music videos and analyzing them and now when I watch some shows I annoy my roommates by naming the different shots. One of my roommates loves Chris Brown so it was funny listening to Loyal in class because I feel like it is always playing in our apartment. I'm really glad that we went over the different lightings and shots again because sometimes I mix the names up and it was nice to review. Dr. Chris's court was so funny. I love how Dr. Chris plays the Law and Order theme song in the background when he "interrogates his suspects". Since Dr. Chris mentioned he held court sometimes, in the beginning of the semester, I couldn't wait until he did. It was better than I expected, I just pray that I'm never on trial. Also I'm glad we got out of class early that day because I was so tired because I had a quiz and an in class composition earlier that day and barely got sleep the night before.

When Dr. Chris mentioned we had to write our three point plan for class and for our careers I was a little hesitant. I'm the only freshman in this class and it was a little intimidating because there are mostly seniors in the class and they all basically knew what they wanted to do. I have no idea what I want to major in right now, I think it's a tie between Marketing and Communications but I don't know. My first semester I was an Education major and I thought that was what I wanted to be but after getting more experience teaching I realized it wasn't so I guess one of my goals for this class is to know for sure what major I want to be. I also want to work on my public speaking because I can be shy at times and my third goal is to get hands on experience. Some goals I have for my career are to figure out what I want to be, making sure I look at all my options, and lastly to find the people I need to help me make those decisions and to guide me.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Snow Day

Even though I really enjoy Introduction to Multimedia and I think Dr. Chris is super funny, it was nice to have a free. I was so tired from this week that I was happy that I had time to take a nap before I started all of my work. Going outside in the snow to shoot was fun. I love snow so it just gave me more of a reason to be outside. It was nice shooting with my iPhone and using multimedia for multimedia. I can definitely see how companies use technology in order to continue working and reporting. The world always needs updates about different things so the news cannot take a snow day or a break. I really liked it even though it was kind of annoying to leave my nice and warm apartment. 

second class

The second class was very entertaining. I am not a huge Taylor Swift fan but it was interesting to relate what we were learning to a popular music video of today's pop culture. Because we kept pausing the videos to name the different shots, it really helped me comprehend what we learned. I always feel like I attain information better when I use it or see it in an activity. Even though my group did not answer many of the questions during the little competition you had going because we are "laid-back", it was fun to watch and to really think on your feet. I know we have only had two classes so far but they are very enjoyable because Dr. Chris is very outgoing and has a lot of energy and he makes the vibe in the classroom amazing. It is definitely better than just sitting listening to a lecture.

Video Assessment:
I'm Not the Only One by Sam Smith

Establishing shots: 11
Medium Close Ups: 18
Close Ups: 13
Extreme Close Ups: 12
Double Shot: 20

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

First Reflection

Going into this class I did not know what to expect. I just changed my major from Education to Undecided so I wanted to take a Communications class to see what this major is like. I do not know what exactly multimedia is so I hope to better grasp what it is and I also hope that I have a clearer understanding of what I want my major to be from this class. I learned the names of the different ways to take a photo of someone is. I think this will definitely be an enjoyable class and I think he certainly is an interesting professor.