Monday, February 16, 2015

Class Nine

For the past couple of classes we have been able to work on our midterms. It is extremely helpful since our midterm's due date is coming up. We also discussed whether or not we wanted to have class today, Monday, and a representative from each of our groups had to give their reasons for why we should not have to go to class. Dr. Chris agreed with all of our reasons and decided to give us today off. He told us about the lecture that we are going to have to attend after class on Wednesday. Another thing we talked about is the old name for our Multimedia class: Sight, sound, and motion. He showed us the book that they used to use and that he didn't make us buy because it was over a hundred dollars. I like that this class doesn't follow a book because it feels more free that way. We can take the time to remember certain facts that we have repeated numerous times like the different types of lighting and different shots. When we talked about sight, sound, and motion we applied them to going to a spa. I have never been to a spa so I couldn't quite think of things that one would see or hear while there but after people started naming things, I could kind of come up with ideas from watching shows or movies where characters go to a spa. It was pretty interesting that we were creating this scene. I'm glad we get to have today off because I have more time to work on my midterm. I'm also excited to hear from the photographer on Wednesday because I have always been interested in photography and I love how it relates to this class.

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